SERRES JRC is born from a surprising mixture of ingenuity and love of the land.
At the beginning of the 1980's, a group of farmers from the Val de Loire launches the culture of Kiwi. At that time, this unknown fruit has a bright futur. It brings more vitamin V than an orange and can be stored several months !

In 1983, the first orchards are installed outdoors with a lot of enthusiam. However, the 1983 and 1984 winters were extremely rigourous, temperatures in the Val de Loire went as low as -20°C! This extremely rare conditions put a strain on the young plantations and on the farmers who took part of this adventure. To avoid a third disastrous winter, a farmer of the group, Jean-René Cesbron, decides to install a large plastic cover over a portion of his orchards. The idea seems interesting, but what result will it give?
A large plastic cover as an answer to the climate assaults
The answer is instant and final: the 1985 winter was also very rigourous and destroyed once again the orchards of the area, except one... The trees protected by a plastic covered greenhouse resisted. In the spring, the growth of these protected trees becomes fast and healthy, ideal. The fruits don't take long before appearing and finally convince a great number of producers.
An innovative idea
Jean-René Cesbon then understands that the concept of the shelter he inveted has a real interest. He optimizes the construction principle, and offers to the members of farmers his own plastic covered greenhouses. The experience from the first realizations leads to the refinement of a structure, fit to stand on the existing orchards. He then decides to file a patent for his invention, and creates in 1986 the company SERRES JRC by naming it with his initials.
From the invention to the creation of a business
The following years, numerous requests had to be answered
The company grows slowly, equipment is required to meet the demand. The legend says that the first bender of JRC was used to make parts for the Eiffel Tower!
Little by little, built surfaces grown and the echo of expertise of the company sounds with the farmers
An industrial process is set up to meet the growing demand
In the region of Nantes, some dynamic market gardeners sought specific shelters for their crops. They were interested by the work of Jean-René Cesbron, and reflected with him on the creation of plastic covered greenhouses adapted to their crops.
Thus, one thing leading to another, new products adapted to market gardening were designed with close collaboration along their users. With each realization, multiple improvements were made to the structures of the tunnel greenhouses and multispan greenhouses.
New developments always in agreement with the needs of the customers
The products of today benefit from nearly 30 years of experience from the producers.
Since the foundation of the company, SERRES JRC proposed to its clients parts kits to build their own greenhouse, and they did the assembly by themselves
With the development of large areas of greenhouses, clients wanted that SERRES JRC did the assembly process. This step was crucial for the development of the company. The first assembly team was created in 2000, and more followed soon after.
Serres JRC today...
This operation mode, close to our costumers, is the one we choose to keep. Skills that are our strength today.
The SERRES JRC range meets the need of all the users of plastic covered greenhouses: market gardeners, horticulturists, nurserymen, arborists...
The proximity to our costumers allows us to innovate regularly, by offering new structures, new assembly parts or new covering films for our greenhouses.